Weekly NEWS | What is happening to the Amazon Rainforest in Brazil?

The Amazon rainforest, covering much of northwestern Brazil and extending into Colombia, Peru and other South American countries, which is also the world’s largest tropical rainforest, has erupted in flames starting as far back as January 2019.

Brazil has seen a record high of fires in the rainforest and many believe its due to the Deforestation plans. The fires have been detected by NASA and NOAA satellites from space, which have said that more than 74,000 fires between January and August and more than 9,500 forest fires since Thursday, mostly in the Amazon region. In comparison to 2018, there were fewer than 40,000 during the same time period.

It is important to note that wildfires often occur in the dry season in Brazil, but this year in particular, has seen far worse incidents than normal as related to above. However, there are also illegal deforestation plans which have contributed to the illegal fires in efforts to have land for cattle ranching. This has been a huge issue in countries that have Amazons accounting for 80 percent of current deforestation rates.

“Amazon Brazil is home to approximately 200 million head of cattle, and is the largest exporter in the world, supplying about one-quarter of the global market.” (Henden, The Express, 2019)

For much of the Amazaon Rainforest natural resources full of moisture and humidity, it has been fire resistant until the drought and human activities.

A release from the space agency said: “The intensity and frequency of droughts in turn, have been linked with increases in regional deforestation and anthropogenic climate change.”

The importance of the Amazon to the earth is often coined the planet’s lungs. It produces 20 percent of the earth’s oxygen in the atmosphere and is considered vital in slowing global warming. It is also the home to many uncountable species of the fauna and flora specie and is the largest rainforest on the planet.

There are many ways to assist and give back such as speaking out against the issues on your social media platforms which does not cost you any money. Educate yourself on the issues surrounding the deforestation plans and the impact it has on the Amazon. Take part in group efforts that are working towards change and positive efforts into fixing this ongoing issue and lastly fundraising efforts by donating. If you would like to donate, please click here

Happy Traveling,
The Luxe and Lavish Travels Team